Prospective graduate students:
I am recruiting PhD students for the Spring/Fall 2025 admission.
If you are curious, honest, independent
and hardworking, and want to work on :
Natural Language Processing
and Artificial Intelligence,
please email your CV and transcripts to me!
Prospective undergraduate students:
Please check out our wonderful summer REU site research opportunity funded by National
Science Foundation (NSF):
Animal Language Processing and
- Two papers accepted by EMNLP 2024 Findings. Congrats to Sinong, Xingyuan, Yvvonne and Haoan!
- Kenny Zhu appeared on CBS 11 Texas and ABC 8 (DFW) news to discuss his research on animal language processing and understanding.
- Kenny Zhu interviewed by UTA correspondent on the dog communications.
- One paper accepted by ICLR 2024. Congrats to Roy!
- On Jan 5, 2024, I received my first NSF award (PI) from CISE/OAC program on "REU Site: Animal Language Processing and Understanding". Thank you, UTA and NSF!
- Four papers accepted by EMNLP 2023 main conference, and one by EMNLP Findings. See you in Singapore!
- One paper *finally* accepted by ACM Computing Surveys, Sept, 2023!
- One paper accepted by ACM MM 2023 (main track) and one paper by ECAI 2023.
- Two papers accepted by ACL 2023 (main and industry track) and
four accepted by ACL Findings 2023.
- Two full papers accepted by EMNLP 2022 main conference.
- Yizhu Liu is conferred with PhD of distinctions from ADAPT.
- One full paper accepted by IJCAI 2022 (AI for good track).
- Two papers accepted by NAACL 2022 (main conference) and two papers
accepted by Findings of NAACL 2022.
- One full paper accepted by SIGIR 2022.
- Two full papers accepted by ACL 2022 (main conference).
- One paper accepted by ICASSP 2022.
- One short paper accepted by CIKM 2021.
- One full paper accepted by ACL Findings 2021.
- One full paper accepted by IJCAI 2021.
- Two full papers accepted by WWW 2021.
- Two full papers accepted by AAAI 2021.
My past work was focused on enabling machines to understand natural
languages and further generate these languages, which is one of the most
challenging tasks in artificial intelligence. My recent focus has been
more interdisciplinary. At the heart of my research, I'm trying to answer the
big science question: what's the relationship between intelligence and language?
Specifically, i) is language (skill) a necessary part (or outcome) of intelligence?
ii) can the use of a language or the lack of which affect the development of intelligence?
To answer these questions, I have embarked on the following projects.
Current Research
Good Research Advices
My Students' Top Cited Papers (>50 cites)
- Ke Wu, Song Yang, Kenny Q. Zhu. False rumors detection on sina weibo by propagation structures. ICDE 2015. Citations
- Bill Y. Lin, Frank F. Xu, Zhiyi Luo, Kenny Q. Zhu. Multi-channel bilstm-crf model for emerging named entity recognition in social media. ACL NUT 2017. Citations
- Kangqi Luo, Fengli Lin, Xusheng Luo, Kenny Q. Zhu. Knowledge base question answering via encoding of complex query graphs. EMNLP 2018. Citations
- Kaiqi Zhao, Gao Cong, Quan Yuan, Kenny Q. Zhu. SAR: A sentiment-aspect-region model for user preference analysis in geo-tagged reviews. ICDE 2015. Citations
- Zhiyi Luo, Yuchen Sha, Kenny Q. Zhu, S Hwang, Z Wang. Commonsense causal reasoning between short texts. KR 2016. Citations
- Yuding Liang, Kenny Q. Zhu. Automatic generation of text descriptive comments for code blocks. AAAI 2018. Citations
- Yizhu Liu, Zhiyi Luo, Kenny Q. Zhu. Controlling length in abstractive summarization using a convolutional neural network. EMNLP 2018. Citations
Xusheng Luo, Luxin Liu, Yonghua Yang, Le Bo, Yuanpeng Cao, Jinghang Wu, Qiang Li, Keping Yang, Kenny Q. Zhu.
AliCoCo: Alibaba e-commerce cognitive concept net. SIGMOD 2020. Citations
Zhiyi Luo, Shanshan Huang, Kenny Q. Zhu.
Knowledge empowered prominent aspect extraction from product review.
Information Processing & Management 56 (2).
Yu Gong, Yu Zhu, Lu Duan, Qingwen Liu, Ziyu Guan, Fei Sun, Wenwu Ou, and Kenny Q. Zhu.
Exact-k recommendation via maximal clique optimization.
SIGKDD 2019. Citations
Zelin Zhou, Zhiling Zhang, Xuenan Xu, Zeye Xie, Mengyue Wu, Kenny Q. Zhu.
Can Audio Captions Be Evaluated with Image Caption Metrics? ICASSP 2022.
Siyu Ren, Kenny Q. Zhu. Knowledge-driven distractor generation for cloze-style multiple choice questions. AAAI 2021. Citations
Interesting Electronic Conference Proceedings
CSE3302/5307 Programming Languages (2024 Fall)
Lecture: MW 2:30PM-3:50PM
Office Hour: Wed 4-5 PM
of class on simply typed lambda calculus on Sept 26, 2016
CSE4392 Special Topics: Natural Language Processing (2025 Spring)
Lecture: MW 2:30PM-3:50PM
Office Hour: Wed 4-5 PM
This page was last modified on Sept 8, 2023