CSE 4392 Special Topics (Natural Language Processing)

Course Summary

Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand and further generate (mostly) human language as it is spoken and written -- referred to as natural language. It is a key component of artificial intelligence (AI), and is considered a grand challenge in AI. NLP has existed for more than 50 years and has roots in the field of linguistics. This course introduces the both classical and contempory concepts in NLP especially from a statistical and machine learning approach. It aims to provide the students with a basic understanding and appreciation of key NLP theories such as lexicons, grammar, parsing and language modeling, as well as emerging NLP applications including text classification, information retrieval, machine translation, text summarization, question answering and dialogue systems. Students will practice the knowledge acquired in this course through a team project which aims at solving one particular NLP problem of their choice.

Latest News and Announcements

Administrative Information

Lectures: Mon/Wed 2:30-3:50 PM, WH-311.

Instructor: Kenny Zhu - ERB-535 Phone: 3420-4592 Email: kenny[dot]zhu@uta[dot]edu
Office hours: By appointment

Teaching Assistant: Essam Abdelghany
Email: exa0039[at]mavs[dot]uta[dot]edu
Office hours: Thu 9-11 AM @ ERB-316

Reference Textbooks:

  1. Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed) by Dan Jurafsky and James Martin, The Prentice Hall.
  2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing by Chritopher Manning and Hinrich Schutze, The MIT Press.
  3. Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schütze, The Cambridge University Press.


  1. In-class quizzes: 10%
  2. Tutorial participation: 5% bonus
  3. Assignments: 30%
  4. Project: 30% Project Website
  5. Final Exam: 30%


WeekDateTopic SlidesResourcesHomework
101/13/2025 Introduction[lecture] [tutorial] MS Ch 3, JM Ch 17 hw1 (pdf) hw1 (tex)
201/29/2025 Language Models[lecture] [tutorial] JM Ch 3 hw2 (pdf) hw2 (tex)
302/06/2025 Text Classification[lecture] [tutorial] JM Ch 4 hw3 (pdf) hw3 (tex)
402/12/2025 Loglinear Models[lecture] [tutorial] JM Ch 5 hw4 (zip) hw4 (tex)
502/19/2025 Word Embeddings[lecture] [tutorial] JM Ch 6, papers in slides hw5 (pdf) hw5 (tex)
Copyright (c) Kenny Q. Zhu, 2023-2025.